Sunday, August 18, 2013

Behavioral Presentation Coaching

Hello there –
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to write over the past few weeks. Hopefully everyone has had a chance to take some time off this summer to unplug and relax.  I was able to enjoy a little R&R, play some tennis and hit the beach (ever play Kadima?).  But duty calls…

My partner Elizabeth Weiner and I have invested considerable time developing a strategic plan to expand our business.  Things are going well. 

But, first a bit of history…  
The consulting business I started in early 2012 took a giant step forward when Liz and I met last summer.  After observing her coaching style in action, our conversations evolved and ultimately led to the creation of a unique concept: the art of Behavioral Presentation Coaching - It’s not just what you say but how you say it that makes the difference.

We’ve blended our commercial real estate and human resources perspectives and expertise from career coaching and performance management to communication and presentation delivery.  The result: a multi-dimensional interactive coaching experience.  Feedback received from our clients has been extremely positive.

Many have confirmed that a real need exists for what we offer and as a bonus, Liz and I truly enjoy doing this work. At the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s all about in any service business?  


Lynn Thurber named Chairman of Urban Land Institute (ULI)

Rick Lechtman joined Marcus & Millichap as Eastern Director of the National Office & Industrial Property Group

James Choi now Associate at Harrison Street Real Estate Capital

On the Road…

Sept. 15 – 17:  NAREIM (National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers), Executive Officers Fall Meeting, New York, NY

Oct. 10 – 11:  Cornell Real Estate Annual Conference, New York, NY

Oct. 23 – 24:  PERE (Private Equity Real Estate) Summit:  New York 2013, New York, NY

Oct. 28 – 30:  PREA (Pension Real Estate Association) Annual Investor Real Estate Conference, Chicago, IL

Nov. 13 -15:  NCREIF (National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries), Fall Meeting, Miami Beach, FL

All content in this blog is created for informational purposes only. Content, which includes all text, photos, video and graphics is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.  Steve Felix makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or other information as a result of following any featured link to or from this site.  The intention of this blog is to do no harm in regards to injury, defamation or libel. What is written or shown is not to be taken as fact or absolute.  Steve Felix will hold himself harmless for any errors or omissions in this blog’s information; including but not limited to external link information, translation or interpretation of content or incorrect grammar or punctuation. 

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