Saturday, September 28, 2013

The wallet / The love of a brother / The cloud / Square Dancing

The Wallet

Something incredible happened this week. 

Very early Wednesday morning, for the first time in my life, I lost my wallet.  It fell out of my bag while I was riding my bike.  When the realization struck me I was beside myself and started the process of canceling my credit cards.  

Within two hours I received a call. “Mr. Felix, this is Jose.  I am a truck driver and I found your wallet.  Can we meet so I can return it to you?”  OMG!  “Thank you, thank you, Jose!!  Just tell me where and when.”  Before the morning was over, Jose drove his tractor-trailer to a meeting place actually convenient to me.  With a big smile, he handed me my wallet.  “Everything that was there when I found it is still there,” Jose said.  I didn’t even look inside, other to pull out some cash to show my appreciation. Before he went on his way Jose related a story about his own wallet loss and how it was returned by a teenager - completely intact.  

When I got back to my destination, I did check…everything was in the wallet! 

Later that day I called Jose’s supervisor.  He appreciated that the call was a compliment.  He said that Jose is a ‘good guy’ and that he would tell him about my call.  I offered to write a letter and the supervisor said, “That would be great!  I’m always getting grief from the higher-ups about something or other regarding our drivers.  This would be a good thing for me to show them.”

This still seems dreamlike. In New York City, I got lucky enough to have a man with integrity find my wallet and reach out to me and return it. The very same day.  With all its contents.  A truly noble act from Jose, which I will never forget.

Maybe there’s a lost wallet somewhere waiting for me to find and return….

The love of a brother

Central Park boasts a wonderful and vibrant tennis center.  The other morning, while having coffee at the courts, a friend and I were approached by a lovely older gentleman.  He handed us a piece of paper and said the information was about a book of poems written by his younger brother. He asked that we check out the sample, consider buying it and tell others about the book.   A few minutes later I ran into him in the men’s room. The full story came out.  His younger brother had died.  His brother’s poems including the ones that were previously unknown - even by the family - were published after his death.  I got teary.  

Later this week I did ‘check it out.’  The book is called, “Thoughts of Being.”  The author, Daniel Polsky, M.D.  

From the introduction written by his older brother (the one we met):  “This is a tribute to my brother, who always wanted to be a writer...After his death in 2008, many of Danny’s poems were found.  Some were handwritten on available pages of student spiral notebooks; many were typed on an ancient pica Underwood, some on an electric typewriter and more with a PC word processor.  Aware of the coming of the end of his life, Danny revised and made copies of the poems he loved…this selection is representative of Daniel Polsky’s lifetime endeavor.

As I have gotten to know many of you who read this column, whether you like or connect with the poems or not, I am fairly sure you will feel the same as I do about the post-mortem publishing of this poetry.  Oh, if only Danny had been around to see this happen.  But, perhaps he knows what his family has done to memorialize his life and his writing.  
Here is the link so you too can sample Danny’s poems.  (

The cloud

Last night, just before midnight, my friend and I were treated to a curious and wonderful light show in the clouds (Yes, the clouds in the sky.  I bet you thought I was going to share a cloud computing story...).

From a Manhattan rooftop we noticed four beams of light rising up from an unknown source hitting the clouds, forming ‘dot’ type shapes.  These lights moved, almost as if choreographed.  They moved quickly.  Then shut down, only to have more dots reappear a few brief moments later.  16 we counted, then 19, then 21.  Then gone.  Then back again, across a huge expanse of the night sky.  If it had been a clear night, this show could not have occurred as the clouds were the canvas.

Aliens?  UFO’s?  Young people at play??  We couldn’t find any mention of it anywhere on the Internet.  Perhaps we were the only audience for this spectacular and unexpected display. Could it possibly have been communication with beings on another planet?  We were not able to see any pattern or rhythm to the movement.  So, we stopped trying to figure it out and just enjoyed the show.  

Square Dancing

The sign outside the main branch of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue and 42 Street simply said, “Bryant Park Square Dance.”  

Bryant Park is a wonderful space behind the library which, for many years, had been neglected. It is now the home to year ‘round activities including outdoor restaurants, movies, ping pong and a wonderful ice skating rink in season. 

My friend and I looked at each other and said, “Let’s go!”  So, the next day we returned to the park at 5:30 dressed in jeans and cowboy boots to listen to the opening band, The Boston Boys.  Hundreds of people started gravitating towards the stage for the start of the dance.  For the next two plus hours we had a wonderfully fun time learning and doing a variety of square dances to the music of The Remedies.  

Funny.  The last time I square danced was many years ago at summer camp.  When the ‘caller’ started guiding us through the moves, it all came back to me.  “Bow to your partner, bow to your corner, circle right, circle left, swing your partner, swing your corner, allemande left, allemande right, do-si-do and promenade home.”

There were all different levels of dancers amongst the 500+ people.  We had an incredible free, fun New York City evening, under a beautiful early autumn sky.  We danced in the light of the Bank of America building and under the stately, watchful eye of the Empire State Building.  One of those special times where you seize the opportunity and ‘Just do it!’  Yee haw! 
Check out what’s going on in Bryant Park. (

On the Road...

Oct. 10 – 11:  Cornell Real Estate Annual Conference, New York, NY. (Note: There are still a limited number of tickets available.  I’ve previously attended and it’s a wonderful event.  You can register here.

Oct. 16 - 18: Client meetings, Chicago, IL 

Oct. 23 – 24:  PERE (Private Equity Real Estate) Summit:  New York 2013, New York, NY

Oct. 28 – 30:  PREA (Pension Real Estate Association) Annual Investor Real Estate Conference, Chicago, IL

Nov. 13 - 15:  NCREIF (National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries), Fall Meeting, Miami Beach, FL

All content in this blog is created for informational purposes only. Content, which includes all text, photos, video and graphics is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.  Steve Felix makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or other information as a result of following any featured link to or from this site.  The intention of this blog is to do no harm in regards to injury, defamation or libel. What is written or shown is not to be taken as fact or absolute.  Steve Felix will hold himself harmless for any errors or omissions in this blog’s information; including but not limited to external link information, translation or interpretation of content or incorrect grammar or punctuation. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013


NAREIM Executive Officers Meeting

The National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers held their Fall Executive Officer meeting this past week at Columbia in New York City. The impressive University campus, built in 1897, was designed as an urban academic village by the renowned turn-of-the-century architectural firm McKim, Mead, and White.

When entering the University’s gates, off of Broadway, the stately buildings are pretty awe-inspiring.  A red brick cobblestone path from the subway station to the library clearly designates the campus and was very cool to look at (but a little funky to walk on)! 

During the well-attended conference, as you might imagine, there were several in-depth data presentations on the subject du jour, interest rates.  While rates have inched up recently, we do not have the advantage of a fully-functioning crystal ball to truly predict the future.  For now, the commercial real estate transaction world is operating on all cylinders. 

The NAREIM group tackled some of the big picture subjects such as (a)‘What have been the most significant changes with respect to the needs and behavior of capital?’ and (b) ‘What changes have you made in response?’  These topics were discussed with the same openness and honesty that I’ve observed at similar Executive Officer meetings; the candor amongst direct competitors was very refreshing.

Thanks to NAREIM CEO Gunnar Branson and the event planning committee, we were treated to two inspiring talks not directly related to our industry.  

Sarah Miller Caldicott, the grandniece of Thomas Edison, spoke about innovation while discussing her new book, ‘Midnight Lunch.’  Joseph Kessler of The Intelligence Group presented an eye-opening presentation on Gen-Y / Millennials. 

My thoughts on these talks…
Sarah’s engaging and enthusiastic presentation focused on The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Edison's Lab.  She spoke of the importance of bringing together individuals from diverse disciplines to gather multiple perspectives and experience faster problem solving.  The “lunch” refers to Edison’s fairly regular ritual of ordering in food from a local tavern at about 9pm.  The group would relax, tell stories, sing songs and even play music together before heading back to the lab to work.  The social connection - learning more about each other as people and not just workers - was considered to be responsible for creating a more collaborative environment. 

I basked in Sarah’s presentation of Edison’s concepts.  By breaking down some of the barriers that exist between people, Edison’s brilliant strategy gave his team permission to be open with one another without fear of retribution or judgment.  And, while “Midnight Lunch’ started at 9pm and the work in the lab often continued all night, it’s the method and not the time of day that mattered.  Managers who pride themselves in thinking differently may learn something from Edison’s practice.  

And, with regard to the “L” word (lunch) - I’ve always considered ‘breaking bread’ to be a great start to building a worthwhile relationship!

What I find so interesting is that the second speaker I will share with you spoke about young people communicating while never needing to be in the same room! Joe Kessler, a passionate and animated presenter, focused on youth culture and consumer trends of those born between 1980 – 1995.

Two interesting statistics he provided from a recent survey of Millennials are:
73% said it’s important that what they buy (product / service) makes a positive impact on society.
70% would rather buy a cool experience than buy a cool product.

The first statistic suggests an admirable social consciousness.  The second perhaps reflects the belief of some that life is a series of experiences and that those, rather than a product, are where memories are made.

Joe also enlightened us to a few acronyms used by the Gen-Y / Millennial group surveyed - with the exception of one NAREIM audience member, no one had heard of these:

FOLO = fear of losing out
YOLO = you only live once
JOMO = joy of moving on 

While I don’t see myself starting to use these ’acronyms’ it’s important to understand how different generations communicate. (I would be interested to know if any readers are now saying “Ohhhhh, so that’s what that means!”)  To keep up on things, The Intelligence Group publishes the “Cassandra Report” on daily trends.  Free subscription can be found here                         

Some of Joe’s comments may have reminded the group about the importance of knowing one’s audience when developing real estate or when hiring and managing people. And, with people working well past the ‘usual’ U.S. retirement age of 65, the multi-generational make-up of the workforce creates new and different communication challenges.  

He also gave us food for thought:  think back to a job you may have had where the boss said you couldn’t make personal calls while working.  How did that make you feel and did you actually adhere to those rules?  Flash forward to the Millennials, who are constantly on their phones, texting and posting to Facebook and other social endeavors.  Joe suggested this: learn to accept this as normal behavior of this generation – let people’s productivity or results be the measurement of job performance and not the amount of time they may spend on their personal lives while at work.  

Inviting speakers like Sarah Miller Caldicott and Joe Kessler push us to think more broadly about life and the world we share.  Because the essence of success in commercial real estate is directly correlated to where people live, shop, work, go to school and play, our understanding of the behavior and habits of the population is critically important.  The future of our industry depends on it.

Feedback from OTR Readers

There are certain weeks that I receive substantially more emails than usual about something I’ve written – I always appreciate hearing from you.  Last week was one of those times.  Here is some of the feedback I received on the “Scarcity of Smiles” section:

“How sad that people avoid eye contact with each other. My recollections of New York were of friendly people, but I guess after 9/11 and the economy tanking, people have changed. I agree that the smile is our best way of connecting with people.”

“…as you have noted in earlier blogs, the best way to make a difference in your endeavors is to be passionate about what you do, and how you do it because it fuels you, and it is contagious!”

“I like your piece on smiling.  In Chicago too, I find that people are sort of conditioned not to look at each other, which is odd for me being raised by small town parents where everyone knew each other, and would smile and wave and or stop and talk as a way of life.  Though I did not grow up in that 1,200 population Wisconsin town - through my parents and grandparents I feel the connection to the place and the values).  I still try to connect with people because it makes sense to me to do so and it feels quite foreign not to.”

“I sometimes smile in amusement at my own thoughts, and catch a smile back from an unknowing bystander.”

“BTW, people smile more in the burbs than in Manhattan.”

Please keep those cards and letters coming in.  And if you know someone who would enjoy receiving OTR directly please refer them to the website ( where they can subscribe.  Thank you.

On the Road...

Oct. 10 – 11:  Cornell Real Estate Annual Conference, New York, NY

Oct. 16-18: Chicago, IL

Oct. 23 – 24:  PERE (Private Equity Real Estate) Summit:  New York 2013, New York, NY

Oct. 28 – 30:  PREA (Pension Real Estate Association) Annual Investor Real Estate Conference, Chicago, IL

Nov. 13 -15:  NCREIF (National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries), Fall Meeting, Miami Beach, FL

All content in this blog is created for informational purposes only. Content, which includes all text, photos, video and graphics is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.  Steve Felix makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or other information as a result of following any featured link to or from this site.  The intention of this blog is to do no harm in regards to injury, defamation or libel. What is written or shown is not to be taken as fact or absolute.  Steve Felix will hold himself harmless for any errors or omissions in this blog’s information; including but not limited to external link information, translation or interpretation of content or incorrect grammar or punctuation. 

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