RCA (Real Capital Analytics) June Capital Trends Reports were published today. I offer you a few choice morsels:
1. Apartments: Some encouraging signs include some larger deals now in contract, the emergence of new buyers and the return of some investors after a year or more on the sidelines.
2. Industrial: Drop in transactions is on par with other property types but defaults and foreclosures in the have been relatively mild so far compared to other property types.
3. Retail: Sales volume languish and the inventory of properties for sale swells and defaults and foreclosures proliferate.
4. Office: Some signs that investment trends are stabilizing. Although they are not improving on an absolute basis, the pace of decline is slowing.
I feel that it's a given that the industry considers RCA to have the best monitor of the pulse of the industry so these comments should make us feel both somewhat optimistic but also decidedly realistic. And while it's not a 'stand up and cheer' comment, based on what we've been through already, hearing that the 'pace of decline is slowing' in some property sectors, well, that's a good sign isn't it?
Riding in the subway this morning I saw an ad for a cellular phone service offering a deal at 99 cents per day. But then I thought: hmmmm, that’s like $365 per year (which could still be a great deal but seemed like a lot of money to me). But the point is in how things are presented. This phone company just wanted to get people to consider changing. Just like all the fast food companies throw unbelievable bargains out to us from time to time: they just want us to change, to change our habits. So I got to daydreaming (after all it is a summer Friday) and thought about how that might correlate into our industry. Most service businesses employ the same strategy: give us a chance to prove ourselves and we think you'll use us. But in my experience, while things often look greener on the other side of the fence, you generally don’t get something better when you change-you may get something equal or even worse. Surveys indicate that institutional investors, more focused inwardly these days in resolving their own portfolio issues, have been reducing the number of managers that they do business with for a variety of reasons. Of course, some of these relate to lack of performance and perhaps some relate to the loss of key individuals (once the promotes evaporated) that were managing their account. But to me, there is opportunity in the air; the opportunity to build relationships now that will lead to new business when things open up again. I’m not saying that things will stay as they are (or were) but the change that our industry is experiencing now will get us to another place where we’d like them to stay as they are. Still no one knows how long that’ll take although it seems like a lot of folks are hoping it’s after we come back from ‘summer vacation.' And while change always brings certain challenges with it, being stuck in the world of ‘same’ may not be totally unchallenging itself .
The amazing photo above is one taken by my friend Sam from Toronto. He and his family visited Iceland recently and sent me some pix they took. At first, I thought they were Adobe Photoshopped. But no! These are real and amazing and makes me want to visit that country and experience the beauty and the wide open spaces.
*From Giuseppe di Lampedusa's The Leopard
These are my personal views and not that of my employer.